Imagining My Sustainable City
No.9 in collaboration with the Toronto District School Board
No.9 presented the culminating exhibit featuring student work completed in Imagining My Sustainable City, a pilot program in collaboration with the Toronto District School Board.
One Grade 7-8 class in each of Toronto’s 44 wards took part in a four-day, sustainable urban planning and architectural design program. No.9’s architectural educators worked closely with over 1,400 students since September 2011 and brought them through the design process with a deep understanding of how design relates to place.
Collectively, the students’ visions for their sustainable Toronto led to discussions of civic engagement, governance and living a sustainable lifestyle. “Through this project we had an opportunity to envision all the possibilities for our community in the future,” says Tenesha, a grade seven TDSB student.
The results of the student’s work from all participating schools was on display in the Kiln building at Evergreen Brick Works. The exhibition featured photographs, drawings, and models created by the students, providing