Public Art and Design

Public art and design have the power to strengthen the identity of communities, increase civic pride and create a strong sense of place.

Increasingly, people are looking to live in cities that provide them with rich and diverse cultural experiences; these experiences are often found in public spaces where people gather. Municipalities that showcase their commitment to creativity through the integration of public art and design will attract those individuals that will be most active in contributing to the vibrancy of their communities. A strong public art and design program that reflects the creativity and vitality of a city helps contribute to its long-term health and sustainability.

Public art and design also bring awareness to important environmental issues. Creating and supporting a culture of sustainability can lead to changes in how cities are imagined and built. Public art can catalyze discussions of environmental issues, highlight neglected parts of a city, and bring attention to important environmental issues. Designing with sustainability in mind today will help us build the resilient cities of tomorrow.


Agriculture and Food Security


Civic Engagement